Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Win win situation

I was listening to friends who were talking about sending e-mails from their Kindle and Phone and all the wonders of technology .I saw guys and some ladies down at Channonry point toting £8-£9000 lenses. Lenses so good that they could see the fleas on the backs of the fleas on the backs of the Dolphins.
Big TV with a million stations. Beautiful houses, the tales of holidays. The wants that never go away.As one advertising company boasted "If you tell us what you don't want we will tell you why you need it" Holidays are good but they come to an end . Cars rust,gadgets break, you can't watch The History Channel forever.What do you do when "the new wears off the crystal chandeliers."  If only I could get this I would be happy.
You could throw the swans bread and they would eat it and they are never far from each other.They mate for life. They see each other and young get reared and they still have each other.
Perhaps I am getting on ,yet maybe not . I have firstly the Lord Jesus Christ He is vital.
I talk to Him every day. Then I have my wife Stephanie .I feel like that Swan as long as he sees his mate he is fine everything is beautiful . Stephanie is the joy of each day, she has given me a home.She inspired me to write The three Books The Scent of Time ,the Scent of Home and my Just completed The Scent of Eternity.
You are the wind beneath my wings - but I know I would be nothing without her.
I am sorry if you are bored in reading this and have heard it before, yet why should I apologize? Love comes from God .He has given the gift of human love between husband and wife but He has also given Himself in our hearts.
You may be trying to find out what is important or your wish list. Love is a terrible risky commitment , but I would not change my situation with the wife I have for anything ,each day is precious. Tomorrow I will see Stephanie and if I die tonight I will see Jesus -Hety I am in a win win situation thanks be to God  

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