Wednesday, 31 July 2013


Why do we find beautiful music so wonderful? Why do we read love stories? Why do we like romance movies and the ones where the hero saves the heroine or the girl saves the guy. Why is it that when we really listen to our hearts, it is love that tells us what is important? Why is it that when you love someone you would give away everything you have, to  just to be with them? The touch of a hand, a kiss, a look, a smile or am I just old fashioned? I remember  a story about a guy who tried to get a different woman each night -he was known as a great lover. Lover of what or whom? Sounds more like it was a lover of himself -his name was Casanova.
Love is forged ,sex can be instantaneous but love is forged. A sword is hammered into shape put into the fire,hammered more but the end product is a thing of beauty .With a Toledo blade you could bend the point of the sword to touch the hilt and it would not break or snap.
Nobody but you knows the joy you feel when you see your beloved if you have been away all day. Hours stretch into days and what you want is to get back and feel that person close.
Why are we so fond of reading about love? Why do we sigh and wish we could be in their shoes?Yet when that one person comes along being with them is your life.No matter what you have, love comes from the heart of God .
What will cause a guy  or girl to risk their lives in combat to rescue a buddy who has been injured? "Greater love has no man than this in that a man lay down his life for his friend" Jesus said .
Our life is like a one shot rifle. We have one shot ,one life we have to make it count, if we are going to fire it it had better be worth while.
I am loved by the Lord Jesus Christ. He has given me the most wonderful wife whom I love and who loves me.  Having been the recipient of such love  I can go, you can go ,we can go and show love to others.
PEOPLE WILL NOT CARE HOW MUCH YOU KNOW TILL THEY KNOW HOW MUCH YOU CARE . I have a cross the sight of which showed how much God loved ,and a wedding ring to show how much my wife and I love each other.
What will change people - the answer is love. Love is not love till you give it away.

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