Thursday, 20 March 2014

Spring Song

To day is the first day of Spring. It is not often you get to hear something beautiful for the first time on the first day of Spring.
The Finnish Composer Jean Sibelius wrote a Tone Poem called 'Spring Song' It tells of the coming of spring after the long cold yet magical Finnish winter The season of darkness passing and new hope coming just when the memories of Christmas begin to pass away.
Sibelius could write his country into his music ,you are there when you play his music and you feel like an eagle soaring over the forests and lakes watching people come alive. Finland is a land of the heart with a very hard language ,It is one of the few places where you can find peace and solitude and time to think . The Hill Country of Texas is another.
It has been over 40 years since I have been in Finland but somehow I have never forgotten it nor has the magic of the country died so to hear a piece of Sibelius lovely music for the first time has been superb and that same music I will listen to many times.

It made me think that if hearing a piece of music for the first time can have such a joyous effect what will it be like to see Jesus compared to whom all Sibelius music is trash as is everything else. There will be one day that first vision of the King of Kings who hung on a cross for me to save me from going to hell and to get me to His Fathers Kingdom.
Sibelius wrote some drop dead gorgeous heart grabbing music but imagine writing music to celebrate the first time you see Jesus and just kneel at his feet .He is the most beautiful symphony ever written. Maybe with "Spring Song" you can change it into your heart  not about the coming of a season but the King of Kings Jesus the Christ

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