Sunday, 25 August 2013

Memories of the 'Disco Volante'

News -You only get one life on this earth,this is not a rehearsal but the real thing. How much do we let the expectations of others form or shape the things that we should be interested in? How much of what we would like to do really what we would like to do?
If I could own a boat it would be a Viking Longship, this boat in the picture would be number two in the list. How many remember "The Disco Volante" the beautiful ship from Ian Flemings James Bond adventure,"Thunderball"
'I could never get used to such luxury' and to have the chance to go where you wanted anywhere in the world and be able to outrun pirates. "It's Kingston tomorrow......" it is terrible to want things (outside of sin and breaking the law) that people think you should not have.
It is well known that doctors read medical books all the time and love visiting hospital wards and getting presents to do with medicine. Ah 'The Scent of the Ward '
Teachers of course should be reading while off  on holiday books about teaching and heroic examples of teachers who could work a twenty hour day and get by on three hours sleep.
One of my colleagues who was addressed by one of his flock in thew following terms
"Well I thought you being a minister would have wanted to go read to see the programme tonight on inner city schools. There is the program about funerals."
Soldiers always want to see war pictures and combat situations and get presents to do with war ....well you would think they would.
 Dusty in PLANES  was told you are a crop hopper you should enjoy flying up and down in straight lines ....that is what you were made for ,that is the way people see you .In his heart Dusty wanted to be a racer and be the best he was made to be and not what other people told him he should be -the rest is a good film and a big lesson .
Listen up folks you only get ONE LIFE on earth. Don't let people mold you into their way, God put inside you what He wants you to be not what other people think you should be "after all you are a .....and you should be doing this and liking that .
God does not judge your wishes by whether other people approve of them or not -He can make the impossible possible.If you are an Eagle Chick brought up in an open topped chicken coop that does not make you a hen -be the eagle God put inside you while you still can .The sky is the limit.  

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