It must be wonderful to be able to fly one of these. I spoke to a WW2 Mustang (on right) pilot who had covered the North Sea .He said it was so hard to settle down to a desk job after flying one of these.
One key factor was your 'wing man', the guy and /or now girl who flew beside you. They had your back, you could concentrate on what lay ahead. It must have been a great comfort when you saw the enemy to know that someone was flying with you. Who remembers the picture protrayed in the Abba song 'Eagle'
It is not just in aircraft but we have folk who back us up in life.That rare handful of folk who stick by you no matter what.Those you can count on the fingers of one hand .The platinum people. Yet how often do we thank our wingman for flying with us, for being there when the storm comes or the flak starts flying ?
My dad told me that poeple like that in your life you can count on the fingers of one hand if you are blessed .The old man was dead right .Have you appreciated your wingmen? Good old Bob ,good old Susan -just imagine if they were not there. Appreciate them while you can.
I married my wing woman ,but there is One who is even greater ,The One who sticks closer than a brother -Jesus Christ .He promised 'I will never leave you nor forsake you.' He is impervious to flak
and covers you (Psalm 91). One thing the devil will not mess with that wing man.
Great reminder to appreciate special folks. Looking forward to "The Scent of Home"!