This is a picture of a new dawn at the start of a new day. Abba had a song "I have a dream a song to sing to help me cope with everything........" I long to live in America , it keeps coming back and coming back like a call .Jack London wrote the wonderful Classic "The Call of the Wild". America is like a call to the heart. As a foreigner I have the luxury of looking in .You as Americans understand all the political goings on. Though as an outsider I do not understand why the government feels it is unable to live by the rules it asks the people to live by?
I have to separate America form its government and think of the country and the people. The people are one of America's great strengths. They are the kind of people you can get along side. Yes there are bad guys and girls and whackos but the real American is inspirational, they love their land and when there is danger close ranks .It does not seem to matter whether you are Black, White, Hispanic Chinese - you are American no matter how diverse the background ."My country tis of thee, sweet land of liberty of thee I sing ...let freedom ring." Now I LOVE freedom. Yes there are differences but not irreconcilable differences. You can still be Americans while sorting these out. The pride of statehood is also good , Texan, Virginian, Alaskan, Iowan. Okay sometimes you think the civil war is still going on in more than books . I did a version of Pickett's Charge from Gettysburg in one of my novel The Scent of Home but even in writing that the sense of both sides trying to fight for what was right caught me up and I had to restrain my hero from joining one of Pickett's brigades. I dedicated the book to their memory.
I want to get a house in America and try and contribute to the community into which God leads us. You may say "He doesn't know the reality he is idealistic." Wait wasn't America built by idealists and people of vision ,something to believe in? These Visionaries were able to pass it on to the next generation .This caused people to move out from the original 13 colonies to right across the land as far as California and Hawaii and Alaska. If I am an idealist I will be in good company.
My stepson Major Luke Parker USMC inspired me by his faith and character - now there is a guy I would have followed into battle. My Lord, Luke loved his country .I have had some good examples of Americans -yes the other kind exist but if you find a mouldy loaf in a bakery do you throw out the contents of the whole shop?
One day I will die and be buried I hope it is in America and I hope it is in an America that I have helped support and build and backed -then I can get to Heaven knowing that I have done what God put in my heart to do - I wonder if basic training for the Marines in Heaven is as tough as it is down here -I have this picture of A marine drill Sgt with Angels wings - now if that is not idealism I do not know what is.